How to Wake Up Early
Published: August 27, 2021
His blog post, keeping here for my reference:
Can attest to it, this has been the only thing working for me. If I sleep late, then its better to assume that mornings are gone now, nothing can be done, take it as holiday tomorrow. This also cements the idea in me that my today defines my tomorrow
Mornings are the most beautiful and productive part of the day, and following is my routine, it might help you.
Yesterday night
- Have dinner by 6:30-7:00 and if it’s late go for a fruit diet.
- Read books, listen to music, enjoy time with family, and basically spend time doing activities that relax you (as ankur mentioned).
- Having milk before sleeping with turmeric is good. Somehow flavour is good to me, also a khapa guy, so that works for me, might now work for you.
- Plan things for tomorrow.
- Wake up by 3:30/4/4:30, pick tasks you’ve planned and chop them off. You get beautiful those feel-good feelings.
- Go and see the sun rise, for me it’s beautiful and other adjectives.
- Exercise after saying hi to the sun.
- Cook food and be happy as you are so lucky to have that.
- Before eating, take a bath and freshen up.
- Eat food and now the day starts for me.
- Plan is to add morning prayers into this, but don’t have a pooja room in the house(have to do something for it.)
- This time is sold to someone else for money(sad but that’s case for now[27-Aug-2021])
If I sleep late,
- No fun mornings, admitting I have missed all of that for today.
- No alarm, but body sleep is important to me, no alarm to disturb it. Have done my deeds. It’s fine, let this morning go. Nothing can be done about it.
- If you can try to do something meaningful during the day, do that and remember most importantly sleep on time to enjoy your next morning.
It will help me to improve/learn.